genealogical diagrams

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genealogical diagrams

Postby Jilo » Wed Nov 25, 2009 7:43 am

Hi James,

I just stumbled across this site and it's amazing!

I feel a bit lost right now, since I can't find a general introduction or overview. So please forgive me if I ask for stuff that's already there, I just haven't found it yet.

The database right now seems very huge and intimidating, especially since you can only access one entry at a time. Is there a way to create diagrams (of clans or lingeages) that provide a general first overview of what is actually in the database. From there it would be much easier to compara data and find corrections or additions.

I was also wondering if it's possible to have discussion pages attached to the single entries, like in wikipedia for exampe, so that you can ask questions or offer suggestions to specific people directly, and over time you could add more details to controversies and different theories there.
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Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2009 7:30 am
Location: Nairobi, Kenya

Re: genealogical diagrams

Postby James Dahl » Thu Nov 26, 2009 8:28 pm

Interesting idea, yes it's definitely possible to add discussions to specific people, I will endeavor to do so.

One idea I've thought of would be doing say 10 generations of descent from a particular individual, which would allow easier navigation down the tree.
James Dahl
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Posts: 221
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