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Why biographies wont be accurate

PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 12:41 pm
by InaCabdulqaadir
I was just scrolling thought and i saw this section. Although this sounds like a great idea I don't really see how this would work. Somali were nomads who neither knew how to write nor how to read and thus everything was passed down orally. The majority of these stories stories seem like bogus.

Heres one of them:
As you may of heard Sacad (HG) is possibly ougadeen but what you probably haven't heard is the story of how became Hawiye:
The father of Sacad, wilwili or waliwali was a qowsaar (workng as sheperd for someone else). One day while he was herding the flock he found a female biciid (animal that lives in the wild and looks like a cow) giving birth. He put it acowlong with it's childinto the flock were they bred and multiplied. One day his master fired him.Wilwili said more than half of the flock belonged to him. To prove it he took the flock to the river. All of the ones who bent their knees while drinking were his (because that how biciids drink).

He got married to 4 wives who all gave birth to children. One day one of wives was drinking milk and she said "The the God who gave me this milk."

He said "Dont say God gave this to you, say Wilwili gave this to you."

All of the biciid began attacking him.

As he was dying he told his wives "Each of follow the cow she lives most because were it goes is the place which is good for them."

One followed a white cow which in Somali is Sac cad hence Sacad.
Another went without shoes in Somali Kabo la'aan hence Kabaale (Kabaale Wacbuudhan)
I've forgotten who the other two were but the point is any biographies that are made will probably be bogus unless the person came from Another country.

Re: Why biographies wont be accurate

PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 6:58 pm
by James Dahl
hmm Wilwili sounds kind of like the nickname of Cumar Wilinwili, who is the ancestor of the Walashma dynasty (or allegedly the founder as not everybody accepts that lol)

Re: Why biographies wont be accurate

PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 7:05 pm
by InaCabdulqaadir
It does but the one Im talking about all his children have become Hawiye.

Re: Why biographies wont be accurate

PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 7:42 pm
by James Dahl
Ahh this is similar to the Habar Gidir history but wrong lol.

Sacad is actually Sacad Siciid Madarkicis, the four big clans of Habar Gidir are actually from two different wives of Madarkicis, Caasha is the mother of Siciid (Father of Sacad) and Saleebaan, and Raaray is the mother of Cayr and Saruur. Caasha is Caasha Kaarshe Maxamed, and it's Maxamed who is Maxamed "Waliwali". Maxamed Waliwali is Wadalaan Gorgaate though, not Ogaden.

Caasha died while her boys were young so all four were raised by Raaray, Raaray is from the Gidir Karanle, which is why even though they aren't exactly uterine brothers, they all consider each other equally "Habar Gidir".

Re: Why biographies wont be accurate

PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 7:58 am
by InaCabdulqaadir
To be honest I dont't know if he's Maxamad 'waliwali' I just assumed they were the same (Because I saw Kabaala 'waliwali') but what I've heard is 'wilwili'. Also I'm of the opionion that Sacad are ougaden (not that I've seen evidence) because when ever a Kabaala Wacbuudhan person has a Sacad over he welcomes them like a king because they share a father (wilwili). However Sacad is HG and Kabaala is Abgaal so how can they share a father and be of different subclans?

Also when ever other abgaal subclans have a fight with them they always say "Inte Abgaal ka yihiin?"
Meaning "How are they abgaal?" (Because they know that they really aren't). However when they become allies they will say "Daa'uud walaalkiis (Da'uuds brother!)". This leads me to believe that the lineages they claim are false and the alternative Ougaden theory is true.

Re: Why biographies wont be accurate

PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 5:35 pm
by James Dahl
Well there is a Hawiye practice of clan reckoning from the mother's side as well as the father's side, for instance Ajuuraan are considered Hawiye from Jambeele Hawiye (Ajuuraan's mother was from Jambeele Hawiye), Xawaadle are Meyle Samaale but Hawiye female ancestor, etc. It's not a conspiracy it's just the clan is structured a little bit differently.

Re: Why biographies wont be accurate

PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 5:54 pm
by InaCabdulqaadir
I'm just gonna give you the biased Darod version. Hawiyes kill any and all people that aren't Hawiyes so to survive you have to claim (My mum escaped Mogadishu by claiming Abgaal > Wacbuudhan > Kabaala > Cabdalla Subeer) Hawiyes. When you do this eventually your descendants will claim Hawiyes. Also if they do reckon from the mum's side then there it the abtiris wouldn't be Sacad Siciid Madarkicis but Sacad Mothers name Mothers dads name etc. The hawiye subclans that do know their actual clans won't change to their actual clans because they're going to be seen as 'bastards who constantly change qabiil'.

Re: Why biographies wont be accurate

PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 5:59 pm
by InaCabdulqaadir
Do you have sources for Xawaadle being Meyle Samaale? I believe that they are descendants of Tanade Darod and related to Leelkase. When Leelkase go to a Hawiye-Darod fight they give money to Xawaadle and Xawaadle do not participate and vice-versa. Xawaadle Also agree that they are descendants from Tanade Darod but they say Tanado (Feminised version) was a woman (Darod had no female children).

Re: Why biographies wont be accurate

PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 7:17 pm
by James Dahl
I've heard this before but I've never seen a Xawaadle lineage that traces to Leelkase or Hawiye, only to Meyle Samaale. They probably have a very old alliance with Leelkase due to a founder having a Leelkase mother or something like that.

Re: Why biographies wont be accurate

PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 1:11 pm
by InaCabdulqaadir
Someone has added him as: Xawaadle Boqor Maxamad "Aw Maki" Xussein "Tanade" on this site